Save Charter Schools in Pennsylvania
Special interest groups are trying to rob Pennsylvania families of their rights. Let’s rise up together and stop them!
We stand united for a better future for all.
Pennsylvania children and families, you are not alone.
There are 170,000 children who attend public charter schools in Pennsylvania and another 20,000 on waiting lists in Philadelphia alone to get in a public charter school. Public charter schools have a much higher percentage of minority students and economically disadvantaged students than the average school district. Their families have determined that a charter school is the best, and perhaps only, chance for their child to receive an education that meets their unique needs. Revoking or limiting this opportunity would harm thousands of children already in charter schools and leave students on waitlists with no hope of accessing a better school.
The Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools (PCPCS) has created 143K Rising to give families a voice in the battle to protect public charter schools.
Join us in the fight to save public charter schools in Pennsylvania →
Charter school families want lawmakers to know why they left their district school. Their child was bullied. Their child was failing. Their child wasn’t safe. Their child wasn’t motivated. Their child wasn’t learning.
Every day, families are choosing a public charter school for a better education and a better future for their children.
Anti-charter groups continue to push legislators to cut funding to charter schools and limit educational options for Pennsylvania families. No politician or bureaucrat should tell families what education environment is best for their children. Parents always have been the best advocate for their children’s educational needs, and now we need you to stand up and tell Harrisburg that it’s #MyChildMySchoolChoice.